Sunday, April 14, 2019

When you rise, you will be five.

Dearest, sweetest girl of mine,

You have drifted off to sleep now, my love, after two full days of celebrating your birthday, which greets us when we wake in the morning.  You have been so excited and giddy with anticipation of this day for oh, so long now.  The little twinkle in your chocolate brown eyes gets me every time you smile, telling anyone who will listen that you are almost five.


How can that be?

Was it really that long ago that my completely unexpected, little ray of sunshine brightened this world?

I've said it before, but I will say it again.  I never knew I needed you, I never knew this family needed you, until we met you face to face.

Norah, dear, you are a gem.  You bring such sparkle to our lives, not just in literal form with all your pretty jewelry and glitzy garments, but your personality just radiates in a way I didn't know was possible. 

I've been told multiple times recently that you are just the sweetest, kindest little lady, caring so much for others bringing joy to many lives.  I sat here thinking last night, as I thought about what I wanted to write to you this year, that someday, I hope to be more like you.  Well, I mean, in some ways.  I do appreciate the fact that I know which shoe goes on which foot and I can zip up my own boots on the first try, most of the time.  But in matters of the heart, I think your brothers and I have some things to learn.  You forget offenses so simply a lot of the time, are so quick to forgive, and bursting with hugs and laughter. 

Little girl, you bring so much sound into our world.  You're your own little symphony.   You're always either talking, laughing, yelling, crying, or singing at the top of your lungs.  It's very rare you're silent- usually only while you sleep.  You have so much to say, and so many songs to sing.  I love when you break out in worship songs multiple times a day, whether its in your room, in the van, in the yard, or in the shower.  I try, when you're not paying attention, to catch it on video, so I can hear your small, gigantic voice for the rest of my life.

You have a wonderful sense of humor, and a nice helping of sass, rounded out with so much intelligence that you amaze me.  I was telling someone today, that you are so very smart, but that you're still little enough, though not for long, that you know big words and sometimes just cannot say them correctly.  I will be so sad when I no longer hear words like "callipetter" coming from your mouth when you tell me all about the little worm that turns into a butterfly.  These days will fly by all too quickly, and you will probably know more words than even I do.

Pip, I love when you help me bake in the kitchen, and I am so excited that I was able to create for you, the cake of your dreams this year.  Literally... your little unicorn loving mind has dreamed you riding on a rainbow unicorn with pink hair so many times.  You probably tell your brothers and I all about it at least once a week.  The look on your face when you see something that overwhelms you with joy is so unbridled I cannot help be overwhelmed with joy right alongside you.

Darling, you are a perfect combination of girly-little-princess-ballerina-with-pearls and please-let-me-pick-up-thirty-worms-in-the-rain.  You keep us on our toes, trying to keep up with what you adore and what you dislike.  I'm so thankful you are brave enough to try new things.  I promise you, we will be eating spaghetti soon, and I really do think you will like it.  I mean, you tell me all the time how your favorite foods are salmon and cottage cheese, and I have seen you eat noodles and sauce before.  I think you're just trying to pull one over on me, really.

Oh, beautiful, Norah B, I cannot wait to see what this next year has in store for you.  You finally will attain your dream of going to kindergarten, and I'll be left all alone to drive to work in the mornings.  I know you're going to do amazing at school, and I pray that you love it as much as you believe that you will.

I also pray that you will always stay kind.  I pray your heart will continue to grow and shine God's love to everyone around you.  I pray that you will change the world for the good.  I pray you will always know that you really are a princess- a daughter of the King.  I know we have talked about it before.  I pray that every time you feel the world tries to knock you down, you stand up, tall and strong, and press on with bravery and grace.  I pray that every single day you find numerous reasons to laugh.  I pray you never stop singing.  I pray that you never feel that you are anything short of a treasure.

Your brothers and I are so thankful for you.  I know it's not always easy growing up the "baby" of the family with two older brothers who are bigger and stronger than you and who, as you say, get their way more often (I promise you that's not true, at least I don't think it is...) but you round out our little family perfectly.  While you and the boys might get so sick of each other and fight about the most random of things, I know that you will always love and each other, stand by each other, and have each other's backs.  I see it daily.  Those brothers, they adore you.  Don't ever forget the countless times they call you a princess, and mean it with sincere love.  Don't forget how they agree to play dolls or superhero dolls, horses, or tea party with you.  Don't forget how they like to try to teach you things, too.  I know Spencer gets frustrated that you don't know how to multiply yet, but consider it a compliment that he thinks you're just that advanced.

Thank you, Norah, for showing us sunshine we didn't know before you came along.  Thank you for never letting anyone dim your fire.  Thank you for all the snuggles, the hugs, the kisses, and the laughs.

I love you, Sweet Pea.


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