Saturday, August 31, 2019

My Ollie Bear turns Seven

My dear Collin,

Tonight, I left you with your grandma to finish out being six (and a half) years old, doing things that you love- playing with sticks, glow-sticks and sand, camping and enjoying nature. Tomorrow, I'll come back to you, and you will be seven.

You are so excited to be seven!

This past year has been a year of much growth for you, not only physically, having grown over half an inch in the last six months, but also socially and emotionally. You've begun to really get a better grasp on your emotions and have become much better at not giving in when kids are trying to get you riled up, walking away, and taking control of your actions. This summer, you joined (along with your sister) your older brother in taekwondo. It is so fun to watch your progress!

You've become an amazing reader, and you spent over 1,600 minutes reading books this summer. Your vocabulary, reading comprehension, and retention have all skyrocketed. You are full of random knowledge, but you especially love all types of science. You are so very smart!  Your laughter is like electric joy bubbling up from your belly and lighting up the air around you, whether you're being tickled, playing with friends, or telling your favorite joke about butt-quacks. It's true, you think butts are hilarious. I've learned to accept this.

This you've been working on your bravery and patience, and you've come such a long way. You make me so proud.  You have overcome a nearly paralyzing fear of bees and flies and spent so much of the summer basically carefree and enjoying the sunshine!

Lately, I've been seeing more of my influences in your life, and it makes me so excited to see how I've shaped you. You have become quite an artist, you've an amazing candid and matter-of-fact sense of humor, your compassion is still ever-growing, and as I've mentioned, you are so very smart. I love to see these attributes shining through!

I love how fiercely you love. 

As is always the case in life, the year presented it's share of challenges. We have fought together to overcome each of them, and I believe we've built a solid foundation and your trust in me never leaving you and always being for you has really solidified.  I have said it so many times- you will have me for as long as we have together. I will love you forever, no matter what.

I know that you have days you feel you are different, that you don't fit in, and on your hardest days, that people don't like you. I pray continually that these feelings subside and are replaced with the truth- that you are wonderfully and perfectly made and wholly loved. I love you so much, and although you struggle with your brother and sister sometimes, as all siblings do, they love you with their entire hearts, too. We are a family and we love unconditionally.

I tell you and your siblings each night that you're the best things that ever happened to me and that I'm so glad you are mine. That is an absolute truth that you can fall back on every day of your life. 

I also remind you daily that Jesus is always in your heart, God is always with you, and his angels always watch over you. That's another truth to stand firm on.

I am excited to see what year seven has in store for you, you bright, shining star. I know there are such wonderful things in store for you, and that God is going to bless you greatly in countless ways. I pray that as the days go by, you are strengthened in your self-image and confidence, that you find yourself rooted firmly in the truth that you are loved, that your bravery, patience, and self-control continue to blossom as we have seen them lately. I pray that you continue to find wonderful, positive friendships, and that the words you may hear from people who are unkind fall quickly from your mind and never once hurt your heart. I pray that you continue to be a light to others and that your huge, golden heart overflows daily with the love for those around you.

Ollie Bear, you are a treasure, and I am so blessed that I get to call you my own. I'll see you in the morning, buddy. We will have cake for breakfast.

Love you always, 
Photo Courtesy Seize the Day Photography and Video

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